Santa Cruz County Environmental Health (EH) enables you to view various types of documents including inspection reports, permits, drawings and other types of documents created by or submitted to EH.
You can search for documents using a business name, street address, or APN (include dashes in APNs - 012-345-67) or search by entering the type of program: food facility, hazmat, pools, general complaints, etc. of the document.
USING THE SEARCH FEATURE: If the document you are looking for falls into Hazmat, Food Facilities, Pools & Spas, or Septic Systems/Wells areas then use the links above to find information in these categories. To find documents across all categories use the “All Documents” link above.
Enter information into the field on the right to locate information about a specific facility, street address or APN. After you enter this information press the Submit button to submit your query and then information should then appear on a list. Click an item on the list to open and view the document. When the document opens you can print or save it.

QUERY TIPS: Enter more information in the field on the right to find specific documents, too little information will return too many documents (e.g. “Soquel” finds over 15,000 documents). When searching by street address, enter the street number, followed by the first 3 letters of the street name – use 701 oce to search for 701 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. Capitalization does not matter. Click the Submit Button to execute your search! If your search doesn’t’ return any documents, try changing your search information.
If you can’t find a document:
- it might be pending addition to our records
- it may have been determined to be confidential
- we have not received it
- or you may need to use different search criteria.
What documents are not available?
Documents not available by law to the general public include:
- well driller logs
- hazardous materials site maps
- trade secrets
- complaints showing complainant identity (often a copy with the identity redacted is available)
- HIPPA (personal medical information) protected documents
- EH Personnel and County Counsel documents
- septic and well working files
- temporary and draft documents (used for data entry then destroyed)